Image Link 10/17/2017

Planning Commission Work Session
October 17, 2017

Call to order, pledge of allegiance, roll call - 6 PC members present

Staff report on actions pertaining to the BOCC: BOCC will be hearing referral periods, notices, updates to oil and gas fee schedules, 1% development fee, 2018 budget, code enforcement

No items on consent agenda. No public comment.

Public hearing - work study session with Design Workshop

-Dan Rosales, PC Chair, thanked Citizens’ Task Force

-Design Workshop went through timeline of deliverables. Next public meeting (#3) is November 15, 2017 @6:30PM at fairgrounds. Next report from Design Workshop to PC is 12/05/17. Final future land use plan due 1/15/18 (with several deadlines between now and January)

-“Optimum Land for Development Base Map” displayed: discussion about whether maps should be included in comp plan - no conclusion yet. Maps represent what’s already in word form in comp plan; consensus: maps add visual clarity.

-How to communicate that EC is open for business? Map shown of where building should happen to have least impact on important resources and lowest cost of public service: recommendation is in or within 3 miles of municipalities, 1 mile from highways, 1/2 mile from major county roads (referred to as “green areas” on map displayed)

-Assuming county will grow by 50,000 in next 20-25 years. If building occurs as projected, county can handle population of 85,000 with no new roads needed, perhaps just expand current roads. We have a lot of roads that need improvement, so why build new roads when we can’t take care of what we already have, per Design Workshop.

-Rezones preferable in “green areas.” More cost effective.

-Design Workshop has been asked: How would Independence have been evaluated using this model…. 40% would not have been in “green areas,” which are the preferred development areas, per Design Workshop.

-Denver Water Board owns large chunk of land in northeast corner of the county.

Goals and policies:

-discussed when to use “should” and when to use “shall” in Master Plan (safety and protection of resources = shall, protection of personal property rights = should)

-recommendations: new development pays its own way (somewhat vague, need to get more input from public on this issue); new development shall locate proximate to arterial roads or roads shall be provided by developer (proximate needs more definition); cash-in-lieu-of doesn’t always work (currently required if you’re subdividing less than 80 acres, larger subdivisions allow open space to be “bought down” per formula); industrial uses located to avoid conflicts with residential development, ag uses, wildlife areas, environmentally sensitive areas….and where possible, be located near existing municipalities - county discourages strip industrial development (“node” circular/pods development preferred)

Placeholder Picture

Language for following items discussed (related to rural subdivisions):

-development clustered to conserve land and preserve rural character

-should county explore options, including incentives, to ensure preservation of ag uses and areas?

-septic systems discouraged on lots of 5 acres or less

-before additional phases of development approved, previous phases should be “built out” - evaluated according to a % of individual lots sold, to be established by county

-development directed away from environmentally or visually sensitive areas

-county cannot deny development rights on floodplain land if property owners meet FEMA, etc., standards

Proposed a vision statement: main focus - rural values, agricultural heritage, qualify of life. Values - private property rights, county and towns work in concert

General Policies to be further developed - land use, community resources, natural resources, economic development

(A break was taken at this time; during the break PC Chair Dan Rosales huddled in the hallway in conversation with Independence developer Tim Craft)

“Fish Bone” Activity followed: PC members brainstormed about General Policies to assign subcategories to appropriate areas.

County Manager Sam Albrecht stated that planning is important and being able to see how the counties around us have developed is a help to us. Is impressed with how the Master Plan document is developing.

Draft Agenda Public Meeting #3: 11/15/17 @6:30PM at fairgrounds
Open house - 30 minutes at start
Presentation - introductions, what is a comp plan, critical success factors, review of public meeting #2 and survey, keypad polling on comp plan actions and priorities, next steps
Open house - breakout discussions with subject experts

Meeting adjourned.

-Jill Duvall