Image Link 08/22/18

Board of County Commissioners’ Meeting
August 22, 2018

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CONSENT AGENDA: approval of vouchers, IV-E waiver MOU w/CO Dept of Human Services, template for IGA for election department (remote VSPC sites), Limon CDOT annexation impact report waiver, technical plat correction for Spring Valley Ranch Filing IV (street name changes)


- No reports

-Miguel Alvarez asked several questions: 1) Rd. 182 vs Rd. 178 - 2 commissioners said the safety study would occur, but Commissioner Thayer said only one road would be studied. 2) Rd. 178 realignment: was it part of the Master Plan? What is criteria utilized for exceptions to Master Plan? Inconvenience to developer? Is there a process whereby shifts in Master Plan can occur? Commissioner Richardson said that a third party traffic study would occur for both roads. County Manager Sam Albrecht said process to change Western Elbert County Transportation Master Plan would not happen under current plan, maybe under new Transportation Master Plan (which is in the works). Commissioner Thayer stated that the Master Plan “is not regulatory.” Commissioner Willcox said to Mr. Alvarez, “We’ll work with you.”


-Consideration of Library Board Ratifications: County Manager Sam Albrecht stated that a letter from the library was in the hands of the commissioners, and the county needs to take action by September 10, 2018. Library Trustee President Susan SteVincent spoke about the services provided by the library and about the extensive information provided to the commissioners regarding proposed appointees. She asked that the commissioners approve appointments of Rick Brown and Suzanne O’Neill when it becomes an action item. Frank Reeves is concerned about the financial situation of the library. He claims it is “not good.” He falsely stated that the lawsuit filed by the library “cost the county $13 million and the library $12 million.” Commissioner Willcox corrected the numbers to $12 thousand and $13 thousand. Tim Miller, Library Director, clarified the numbers again. In terms of the building, the library plans to completely pay off the building in 2020 or 2021. Miller asked all citizens to come to him with any questions; he will provide any readily available documents immediately, at no charge, (and will research any other documents on a timely basis). Marlene Groves stated that we have a great library with a wide variety of programs; she respects the library board members and asked that specific members of the board not be singled out and that everybody look at the positives of the library, which are many.
Even though Library Board ratifications was listed under “Discussion Items” on the agenda, there was no discussion among the commissioners about the letter they had received.

-Consideration of Fee Schedules: Albrecht stated that we are “not yet ready for prime time” concerning the fee documents. Resolution is not yet prepared. Wants to defer until September.

-Strategic Plan Update: Albrecht stated that “we are moving this project forward.” Initial draft has gone out to directors for review. Target date for discussion is October 10, 2018 with approval on October 24, 2018. Citizen Miguel Alvarez asked where he could see Strategic Plan documents. Commissioner Richardson pointed Alvarez to the mission and vision statements that are printed on the BOCC agenda. Alvarez asked again where he could see this Strategic Plan; he was not asking about the mission/vision statement. Albrecht stated that he will provide a power point at the October 10 meeting; nothing is available now for the public to view. (Editorial comment: how is the public supposed to ask intelligent questions if there is no document available ahead of the meeting? Additionally, the BOCC does not provide hard copies of any proposed documents or WiFi at the meetings for citizens to view documents electronically....making it very difficult to study proposals.)

-GIS Update: Albrecht stated that we are working with the Town of Elizabeth and Douglas County. Next step is to get an RFP ready. Current data is inaccurate. Marlene Groves asked about time frame. Albrecht said about 1 1/2 years until completion.

-Pedal the Plains Update: Director of Administration Justin Klassen stated that Kiowa will be the start and stop location for event (Sept. 14-16). The county is putting coordination efforts into this event; has allowed the county to build a relationship with the Town of Kiowa “like we’ve never had before.” Still need volunteers. Governor will speak at opening ceremony. Plan for event to be revenue neutral with sponsors, etc. Talked about how safety issues will be addressed.


-approval of 8/8/18 minutes.

-agenda items for 9/12/18: Board of Health meeting, CivicPlus Update, Workshops/Study Sessions, pending hearings, liquor license renewal, budget development update, Fair Board briefing, Pedal the Plains update, 3 land use cases

Meeting adjourned.

-Jill Duvall

LAND USE item scheduled for 1PM today has been delayed until October 10, 2018.