Image Link 01-17-2018

Summary BOCC Meeting- Jan 17, 2018

-approval of CDS mylars, vouchers, public trustee’s quarterly report, right-of-way for electrical company for gravel pit at 17347 CR 94

County Manager reported on the following:
-In process of hiring budget/finance specialist and CDS director
-introduced 2 veteran transition employees who will be interning for the county
-2019 budget plan in process
-Strategic Plan is picking up where county left off last year

BOCC Chairman Danny Willcox reported that a citizen asked commissioners to give kudos to DMV during the Simla town hall meeting on 1/16/18.

-Marlene Groves attended Simla town hall meeting and expressed appreciation for holding a citizen informational gathering there. She commended the commissioners for working better together amongst themselves, but admonished them for not working as harmoniously with citizens. She reminded the commissioners that they are the leaders, and they need to set a more positive example for interaction between citizens and commissioners - it is NOT the citizens’ responsibility to facilitate this relationship. Commissioners need to stop blaming citizens for negativity, stop promoting political divisiveness, and be role models for relationship building between the county and the public.


1) -Sean O’Hearn (contracted engineer) reported on Rush Creek Wind Farm; slide show presentation - 190 wind turbine generators on private property in EC and 110 more towers in neighboring counties; transmission phase - 44.2 miles of lines: Xcel is project owner; Mortenson Construction is primary contractor for the generation phase; construction of both phases expected to be completed by December 2018. Project contractors responsible for regular maintenance of all roads in agreement; county engineer inspects roads and reports deficiencies to contractor. Issues raised by local residents (increased traffic, dust, noise) have been addressed through development of a mitigation plan with Xcel and Mortenson. Lessons learned through this project will help with future wind farm projects. Commissioners expressed appreciation for O’Hearn’s cooperation and interaction with citizens in the affected area.

2) -Legal summary of 2017 by County Attorney Bart Greer:
Involved in “less litigation” than last year at this time - no statistics/numbers were presented; will continue to develop policies and procedures to reduce litigation

3) -Hoo House Update: closed in December 2017; net proceeds approximately $190,000. Frank Reeves asked about details of sale - how long county owned, how much paid, profit, etc. Sam Albrecht was unable to answer specific questions about the property.

4) -2018 BOCC priorities: Chris Richardson reported that Strategic Plan (linking to budget) and continuing transparency are “big goals for the year.” Danny Willcox stated that budget, community development (finding new director), road and bridge (capital improvement), facilities (updating bank building more, HHS building, modernize coroner facility), trying to improve Public Information Office (PIO), economic development, and administration are categories being looked at by the BOCC.

5) -Transparency policy: There were very few (not enough for small crowd in attendance) printed copies available for citizens to view and unavailable on county website. No action taken.

6) -2019 budget goals: Chris Richardson reported: GOALS - balanced budget, one quarter of operating funds on hand at all times, plan to generate monthly variance reports, be aware of possible Gallagher adjustments, tie budget to measureable Strategic Plan goals, identify personnel requirements vs. budget availability, look at employee benefit options, 5 day work week is benefit for employees - need to look “very carefully” at modifying this, road and bridge capital improvement plan, jail capacity study, bridge assessment study, budget presentation - look at 5 to 10 years out.


1) -Approval of minutes from 12/20/17 and 12/28/17

2) -Approval of Organizational Resolution: County Attorney Bart Greer spoke about details on this document. Chris Richardson moved that Danny Willcox remain as Chairman of the BOCC, seconded by Grant Thayer. Approved. Grant Thayer moved that Chris Richardson be Vice-Chair of the BOCC, seconded by Danny Willcox. Approved.
Bart Greer retained as County Attorney, Sam Albrecht retained as County Manager, and current auditor retained. The resolution pertaining to these appointments was not available to the public but was passed by commissioners.

-Agenda items for next meeting: stranded properties, subdivision zoning, Master Plan update, fee schedule update for building/projects, building regulations update (compliance patch), planning pipeline update, economic development overlay/Gallagher Amendment, GIS update, set meeting to discuss public meetings

-Jill Duvall