Image Link 10/18/2017

BOCC Special Meeting
October 18, 2017

A special meeting of the BOCC was noticed to the public less than 24 hours prior to the meeting, in violation of state statute. Editorial comment: County Clerk Dallas Schroeder was notified of the meeting on October 11, 2017, at the regular BOCC meeting but stated that he’s “still getting in to a routine after the move,” therefore justifying the late notice. Only 3 citizens in attendance.

Purpose of meeting: to discuss the progress of proposed update of zoning rewrite with Baseline Engineering (2nd of 4 updates; approximately one update every 6 weeks)


-underlying zoning still permitted; provides opportunity for other uses should landowner desire

-new use may require administrative site plan

-EDZ allows for mixed use on a single parcel; PUD does not

-EDZ would be new zoning district added to county ordinances

-use center line of roadway for measurement; proposed corridor is 800 feet on either side of center line (development could go 1/4 mile from center line on both sides of road)

-EDZ would start 1 mile from towns - to respect town growth areas

-Definition of Overlay Zone - lies over the existing ‘Underlying Zoning’ which stays intact

-list of allowed uses, special review uses (not provided at this time)

-standards and site development plans necessary (site design guidelines, architectural standards, landscaping standards)

-subdivision needs: right-of-way (ROW) dedications

-would get rid of some upfront costs/red tape for potential businesses because zoning would already be in place

-specifies 6 transportation corridors where the EDZ would be applicable: within 1 mile of Simla, Elizabeth, and Kiowa if agreeable to municipalities; would also include Simla, Matheson and northwest corner of county

-biggest issue attracting commercial to EC is cost; shouldn’t make standards onerous (EC has not had adopted standards)

More EDZ updating to be completed before release of final proposal; BOCC comments due on Monday 10/23/17. Plan is to go to Planning Commission on November 7, 2017, with EDZ final draft.


-concerning existing approved regulations: Baseline working to eliminate unnecessary/confusing language, reorganized, verified internal and external consistency, working towards user-friendly document

-December 14, 2017 community meeting with draft proposal for input from citizens (will be on website prior to meeting); open house format as opposed to lecture presentation focused on interaction/discussion

-rewrite of entire EC zoning regulations

-plan to have rewrite completed in April 2018

-needs to include deficiencies in current regulations

-a new table/chart of uses for understanding what is allowed on specific properties is being prepared in a single document

-code enforcement will also be updated in zoning regs

-some counties approach enforcement from more of an education perspective
Meeting adjourned.

-Jill Duvall