Image Link 05-25-2017

Summary BOCC Meeting- May 24, 2017

Call to order, roll call, invocation/pledge, agenda approval
Commissioner Chris Richardson absent - on vacation.

CONSENT AGENDA:Approval of CDS mylars, vouchers, variance report, Rush Creek Farms Development Agreement, Rush Creek Wind Financial Assurance and Decommissioning Agreement. No details provided on any of these items except that Commissioner Thayer stated that fees are starting to come into the county from the wind farm.

STAFF REPORTS:- Commissioner Willcox stated that our county manager will probably not be returning. (Editor Note: The fog thickens as Commissioners deflect issue of where and why Ed Ehmann is no longer the County Manager. Was he fired for cause and is the County paying his contract's six month salary cut loose fee?)

Shelly Rodie: spoke about economic overlay zone - asked that Elbert County "clean up" its zoning issues before introducing a new concept and why the Independence development is included in the economic overlay zone when it hasn't yet been approved.

Marlene Groves
: thanked road people and asked the county to revisit road issues. The county has not addressed the goals from a 10 year old study which stated that EC would come up with a plan dealing with roads.

Jackie Tugwell: read from CO statutes about property rights only being vested for 3 years and encouraged county to know and enforce the laws.

Kyle Fenner
responded that she hadn't exposed anything re: Independence that hadn't already been presented to the public.

Grant Thayer
asked County Attorney Wade Gateley to review the 3 year vesting rule. Gateley stated that this is being reviewed by "outside counsel."

-Centennial Mental Health: presentation by Dr. Heckman, executive director. Summarized services they provide in many different local venues. Summer groups for at risk students starting up.

-Elizabeth Parks & Rec: Director Mike Barney did not show up.

-Stabilization Reserve Fund: Ric Pettit said over $3 million would be put in this fund, with restrictions/parameters. Monies to come from wind farm. Resolution to be presented at next BOCC meeting. (To be placed in Fund 10 for non-budgeted items). Initial check from the Wind Farm came in about a month ago.

-County Website update: Jenn Grote summarized original design history (pre 2013). Goal of current website: local control, allow each department access for their own content, remove site vendor from web hosting, and return domain to EC. All goals have been met. Displayed site visits by department and by month as well as how citizens accessed pages. Current site issues: each dept has independent site within main site, site is slow to load, information retrieval is cumbersome. Redesign: provide easier access to common requests; communication conduit for citizens; content needs to be controlled, current, validated and easier to maintain. Recommendation that a survey be taken of citizens.

-Bank of the West building purchase: Thayer reported that the county is still waiting for a due diligence item - an environmental study that will cost about $2500. Will be a special meeting to discuss (preferably next week). The county is in negotiations with seller. (Editorial comment: if you are a concerned citizen but can't attend this meeting, email your commissioners with your opinion about purchasing this building).

-Employee Handbook: Dianna Hiatt of Human Resources commented about how our hard-working county employees are often criticized, and they need positive feedback. Will be another work session to go over red-lined proposed employee handbook, then a review with Mountain States Employers.

-Update of Zoning Regulations/Patches: Kyle Fenner reported on specific patches (lot line adjustment, XX zoning, and undefined PUDs). Also need to standardize referral times.

-ORR Policy: Wade Gateley reported that bill passed, not signed yet by governor. Will work with IT on improvements for searchability on county website. If the info is on the website, county doesn't have to respond to request (will advise citizens to look on website).

-Policy on Public Improvement Districts/Local Improvement Districts: enables neighborhoods to make improvements through bonds/loans, etc. Gateley will set up a study session.

-Waver of application fees for SUR Special Event: county has no tool for issuing permits for temporary events; county needs to be more responsive to needs.

-Appointments policy: still a work in progress.


-Approved 4/12/17 and 5/10/17 BOCC meeting minutes

-Approved resolution authorizing the chair of the BOCC to sign documents for County Manager. Since we currently have no County Manager, necessary to have designated signatory.


Tentative agenda for 6/14/17: county road discussion, Centennial Health follow-up, cost approval for website redesign, stabilization reserve fund, some land use items (DB Speed, lot rezone)

May be a special meeting on the Bank of the West building


Meeting adjourned.

-Jill Duvall