Image Link 05-10-2017

Summary BOCC Meeting- May 10, 2017

Call to order, roll call, invocation/pledge, agenda approval

CONSENT AGENDA:Approval of CDS mylars, vouchers, and hazard mitigation plan

STAFF REPORTS:-Mike Akana reported that commercial values had "nowhere near the increases" as residential in recent property valuations - we had 34 commercial sales in 5 years.

Commissioner Richardson thanked Jenn Grote for her help in dealing with the Lionsgate euthanization issue - calls, emails, etc.


Fair Board update - Tammi Schneider, President of the Fair Board, reported on county fair to be held August 2-6. Fair Board is awaiting appointment of 2 more Fair Board members (currently have 15, full board is 17). New events added in recent years, including a carnival and more events for the public - still with free admission and parking. Fair schedules will have some changes/additions this year. Kudos to Shawn Carpenter for working well with Fair Board. Would like to be able to track attendance numbers more accurately.

Employee Handbook update - Dianna Hiatt, Human Resources, has been working on updating handbook for compliance for the last 1 1/2 years. Proposed a work session with department heads/commissioners on Tuesday, May 16@9am.

Bank of the West purchase update - Rick Pettit reported that sales agreement signed on April 12. On May 24, a copy of inspection reports, financial reports, etc. will be presented to commissioners to determine if they wish to move ahead with purchase (45 day period to review). Plan is to move clerk/recorder/elections and treasurer's offices to bank building. Appraisal to be done by May 23. Rick Brown asked that the due diligence materials be made available on the county website prior to the meeting where purchase is to be finalized.

Status report of Zoning Regulations - Kyle Fenner spoke about 3 changes: 2 to subdivisions, one to PUDs, and one to XX parcels. All proposed changes are on the county website; to be heard at the Planning Commission on May 16. Discussed importance of citizens' attendance at meetings related to the new Master Plan.

ORR Policy - No new developments by legislature yet.

Policy on Public Improvement Districts/Local Improvement Districts - will schedule a meeting to identify changes; then send to land attorney for policy review; followed by implementation. Sun Country Meadows has seen proposals and encouraged commissioners to move forward.


Public Service Recognition Week - May 7-13. Commissioner Richardson read proclamation honoring public servants. Praised the county employees. Bill Harris spoke in support of county employees, but is concerned with the public taking pictures of "people working" and said that it was a "terrorist activity." Mr. Harris suggested that employees call 911 if the public takes pictures of them. Also stated that commissioners are not to blame for Lionsgate situation.

Approval of 4/26/17 BOCC meeting minutes.

Policy on Policy Management - methodology for indexing policies of county. Does not encompass all county policies or policies governed by statute. Approved.

County Strategic Planning Policy - need to establish measurable goals to guide county into the future. Codifies vision, mission, values and goals in policy document. Also guidance for short and long term implementation/budgeting. Adopted.

Appointments Policy - Grant Thayer stated that he's not comfortable voting on it yet; needs to be more citizen friendly. Commissioner Richardson said the commissioners need criteria for "who we want to appoint." He doesn't believe citizens who have an "adversarial relationship" with the county, who are in arrears on their taxes, or who are not registered voters should be allowed to serve on county boards or commissions. Commissioner Willcox thinks it's the commissioners' jobs to find citizens to serve; concerned that committee members need to understand that they are in charge of taxpayers' money. Tim Miller, Pines and Plains Library director, spoke about the library board trustees' concerns with the proposed Appointments Policy. He handed out copies of the library board attorney's letter to the commissioners regarding these concerns. Rick Brown spoke about "numerous provisions of the draft....vague, ambiguous, incomprehensible." Spoke about Petition Clause of constitution - "redress" allowed by citizens. ACLU has been contacted about the proposed provision of this policy that would not allow any citizen who has been involved with litigation with the county to serve on any board or commission. He also questioned whether the county can exceed state statutory requirements for citizens to serve on boards and requested a study session with citizens to discuss this proposed policy. Bill Harris spoke about not being selected as an election judge, as it applies to this policy.

Celtic Festival Special Event permit - liquor license for July 15-16 approved.




Tentative agenda for 5/24/17 - Elizabeth Parks & Rec presentation, Centennial Mental Health Center presentation, final decision on Bank of the West building, engineer on roads, website update, Employee Handbook, planning review, variance report, stabilization reserve fund, appointments policy, BOCC/PC meeting on 5/23 - public meeting.

Meeting adjourned.

-Jill Duvall